South Carolina Lice Removal Professionals

The chart below contains a comprehensive list of South Carolina lice removal services.

Some lice removal businesses are actual bricks-and-mortar treatment centers. They are very similar to hair salons. Children being treated for lice can sit and watch videos while professionals comb lice and nits from their hair.

If you see a city listed under the chart's middle column, then that business operates a treatment center.

Other companies will travel directly to private homes, bringing their own supplies and equipment, in order to treat and remove head lice.

Approximate parameters of the geographical areas covered by these businesses are listed in the farthest-right column of the chart.

Please contact these businesses directly for information on the exact service areas, or for further information.

Coastal Lice Center Myrtle Beach Myrtle Beach, Conway, North Myrtle Beach, Georgetown, Brunswick County, Florence
Lice Beware Mt. Pleasant Charleston, Mt. Pleasant, Daniel Island, James Island, Georgetown,
Pawley's Island
LiceDoctors none Greenville, Charleston, Columbia & surrounding areas
The Louse Girl Head Lice Removal service none Hilton Head
Nit Nabbers none Charlotte area
Nit Pickers - Paradise Enterprises none Greenville
Pediatric Hair Solutions * Columbia
* Greenville
* Mount Pleasant
Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Daniel Island, James Island, West Ashley, Georgetown, Isle of Palms & surrounding areas

Read our helpful information on how to choose among lice removal pros.

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